Finn Steinway

CLAP Book – Christian O’Donnell

Christian O’Donnell came to terms with not having children. He married Sofia not for the sole purpose of having his children, but because he loved her…

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Finn Steinway




August 2, 2023


Christian O’Donnell came to terms with not having children. He married Sofia not for the sole purpose of having his children, but because he loved her. They met when she was almost sixteen. Having many surgeries in her twenties and thirties, she finally had the one to make having their own children impossible. He wasn’t thinking of that two weeks after the hysterectomy by her OB and general surgeon clearing adhesions, but the fact that she would need no further surgeries and her pain would finally be over. With just the two of them, they could retire early and travel. Maybe buy a second home in Florida. Christian was feeling good as she healed each day and was looking better. On her first solo trip out shopping, he saw she bought some sexy bras. Her stitches would come out soon. They could once again make love. CLAP! Just like on a hot, humid summer night with a flash of white and the house shaking violently, there is a flash of white with a BANG! Thunder slowly dissipating as it rolls away. Only, there isn’t a cloud in the sky. The sun is out. Sofia has just told Christian she had an affair with one of her surgeons. Christian’s choice to stay, knowing things would never be the same or if they could get beyond this, is two-fold. He made a commitment to her on the alter at least a decade prior, for better and for this. Secondly, this was wrong, very wrong, insanely wrong. A treating doctor cannot do this to their patient. How did it happen? Why did it happen? There is a thunderclap in his head each time the words are replayed. A promise is made the day Sofia testifies at his hearing at the Office of Professional Medical Conduct one year later. Christian is right outside the room for the panel to see the support for his wife. During a break, he walks up behind the surgeon, controlling his urge to strike violently, calmly offering, “Someday, I will be there when no one remembers you.” Will the panel believe this doctor or a few women? Will there be justice? Will he pay? Christian O’Donnell comes up with a plan to plow under and grade over important memories from his marriage. He does this with many different women. Using sex as a means to remove the good memory from a special place will ease his pain, or so he hopes. Once he is satisfied, it will be time to go after the surgeon for revenge.