Finn Steinway

18,250 Days Since ‘I Do,’ and counting…

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Finn Steinway




January 16, 2024


Why do some marriages succeed where others fail? You have to choose the right person to make it last. But how do you go about choosing? How can you see the picture of the finish line when you are at the start of a marathon? Some people are fortunate enough to still be living or had lived their Plan A. Some are working toward their golden mark and on day 5,653. Some are celebrating their first day. Some are looking for Plan A. This book is written to pay homage to my parents who were married over 50 years, to other couples that have survived 50 years, and those working on their journey. Utlizing the Laws of Love and Large Numbers, couples, who have lasted from ‘I Do,’ to 18,250 days together, were asked the same twenty questions. These pages are designed to give the reader real responses from THE experts to the same questions. From their responses, you can find a pattern to think of when looking for a mate or deciding if the one you are with is THE one. Equally important, answer honestly, do I have it in me to reach that milestone? In 2018, the idea, the reason for this book began. In 2019, interviews started. Then, there was an abrupt stop due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With it safe to gather around a table without a mask, the last interview took place in July 2022. Meeting more incredible couples and listening to their responses was initially planned. However, it was four years from the first interview. The promise to deliver a copy of this book to each meant ending the interviews. While for some, seeing one or two couples up close achieve this milestone and extracting information as to go about it yourself will work. Hearing a tidbit from a man or woman that has achieved this is nice but a drop in a full bucket of water. Answering the same questions is meant to hear about a puddle in the full bucket. This book is not meant to give the reader the perfect answer to find the ‘right one’ to make it 50 or more years together.  It does not come from an in-depth scientific or psychoanalytical perspective. The author does not have a PhD. However, over the years, there have been many questions, that if all the answers were put together from enough sources, trends and consistencies would emerge. From there, better decisions can be made. If you are seeking something lighthearted, heartfelt, real, please read on and you will get to make the determination where the trends are and do you have commonalities with these proven marriage marathoners. There is a chapter with responses outside of the twenty questions. These came up during the conversations. They are observations and thoughts from the couples. They were felt to be noteworthy, valuable, and therefore, included. There are no guarantees in life…or are there? What is known for sure is that these responses are part of a guarantee. They all made it to day 18,250. Quite a distance from day 1.